Are you looking for career information? You can find information about career fields/industries or specific occupations using the following resources:
Books (Print)
Try searching the library's online catalog: Select your library location and in the search box, type in "Careers" or your specific occupation to find books on your topic. To find these books on the shelf, please note down the item's call number, located in the "Item Information" tab under "Holdings".
Electronic Books
To locate electronic books (and audio books) on your career topic, you can search "NetLibrary" via NCLive ( To access this resource from off-campus, you need to obtain a username and password from your local library. In the NetLibrary search box, you can type in "Careers" or your specific occupation to find electronic full-text books on your topic.
Electronic Articles
You can also use NCLive ( to find general articles on your selected career or occupation. Depending on the vendor (from the main page, click "Browse Resources" then "Vendor" to view the list of vendors) that you choose, you should be able to find both general descriptions of your career, as well as stories of those individuals who are working in the field.
Testing Guides and Practice Exams
Need to take an entrance exam? Are you looking for study aids or practice exams?
You can access study aids and online practice exams via "Learning Express Library" (Learning Express) or "Testing & Education Reference Center" (Gale). Both of these databases are available on NCLive (
Internet Sites
America's Career InfoNet
Find wages and employment trends, occupational requirements, and state by state labor market conditions.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Handbook describes what workers do on the job as well as working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations.
O*Net OnLine
Find occupations by title, classification, and by skill.
Careers in Real Estate
Provides brief information on various careers in real estate.
Nursing Careers
Provides brief overview of specific jobs in the nursing field.
Today's Military
Provides background information on all types of military careers.
If you need help navigating any of these resources, please feel free to ask a librarian!